Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We missed out.

I found an article on buzzfeed, "10 graduation speeches that will inspire and move you." While studying or taking a study break I have been watching/listening to all of them. They are all really interesting and each give me multiple new things to think about.

I think back to our commencement. I think about the speeches we heard upon graduating from high school and am utterly disappointing... I don't mean to be insulting and I am not saying that we chose bad speeches. But looking back I honestly don't remember what two of them were about. The third was about how failure doesn't exist which was a bunch of bull. Failure totally exists. I am pretty sure I failed all of my physics exams last year.

When I hear this speeches, they leave me with something to remember and think about. Granted they are from adults who lived more life than we had when we are giving our speeches at the end of high school. Granted most of them are famous, successful adults who worked hard and fought through adversity to get where they are in their career. But I can't help but wonder. What would I have wished the speeches had been about? If I had gotten off my fat, lazy ass, what would I have said in my commencement speech? What knowledge did I gain from high school? What do I need to know to make it through college/the years after high school?

You are probably think, "Cool Jenna, good thoughts. Now let's hear it! What would your commencement speech be like, what would you say?"

And to that I say.... [If you can't beat them, join 'em...] (Jk... That was a Bo reference though...)

I have an O-chem exam tomorrow.... Well actually later today, so..... I am going to go study for that... But stay tuned. I do want to write my own commencement speech. In due time.


1 comment:

  1. You know, I may be biased, but I think high school graduation speeches aren't really all that important.
    I mean, some of them are inspiring and realistic and great. But really, by the time you graduate, you either have the motivation or you don't. That's just my opinion, but I'm glad you shared these :)
