Saturday, January 7, 2012

If I had a Time Machine

Dear Young Jenna,

First off, would you please brush you hair? I mean honestly, are you trying to provide a nice home for orphan birds? That is really sweet and all, but your hair is not meant to be a bird nest. So if you can't handle have long hair just cut it off! Seriously what are you waiting for? Are you trying to see if your hair will form dreadlocks naturally? Because let me tell you, if you don't start getting those knots out you will probably get dreadlocks and then have to shave all your hair off because you can't get all the snarled out. Or you will wait until just before the dreadlocks form to brush it and it will take you an hour sitting in your grandparents bathroom to get it smooth again. Just do everyone a favor and either brush your hair everyday OR cut it off. NOW.

Also, not trying to be superficial and continue to focus on your appearance but serious don't wear a "GAP" sweatshirt everyday. It is doing more harm than help for your appearance, you can do better. And it doesn't look good to by clothes that are too big for you... Or too small. Find a happy medium and buy clothes that fit and you will wear.

Moving to more intellectual advice... Pick up a book. Go to the library. Find a book that interests you. And read it. It should not take you until seventh grade when you discover the "Princess and the Frog" series to officially find your love for reading. Yes, audio books are great, and definitely better than not being exposed to books at all. But you can't be read to forever. Reading is great! And you are wasting some prime reading years by not taking advantage of books. Cause let me tell you something. You may disagree now, but I swear this is the truth. You do not have a lot of homework. It's true, trust me. So learn some time management; do that one math worksheet right after school and then you will have the rest of the evening to read. Because once you are in high school you have to say goodbye to reading for fun (or sleep, though you sort of say goodbye to sleep no matter what).

Enjoy your childhood. You will always miss what you don't have anymore. Don't waste your time dreaming to be older, enjoy your young years. You might not have much independence but you also have no responsibilities or cares. Cherish that while you can.

An older and hopefully wiser Jenna

P.s. See you in a few years!

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