Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Soap Opera Scene

Know the part in TV shows or movies, when one of the love interest finally opens up to the other love interests and says all their flaws so their lover can take them or leave them? I have been watching Grey's Anatomy (I just started it, I am on season 2. Surprisingly amazing! I am obsessed already), trust me it happens.

So I was thinking, what would I say? What are my take it or leave its?

I am opinionated, honest and indecisive. I procrastinate everything, school or otherwise. I have awful study skills. I play to many games on my phone. I am social awkward and say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I don't know what I want. And I don't shower everyday, sometimes I smell funny.

Then my big handsome lover looks into my eyes and kisses me. Because he accepts me and my quirks.

Or he looks into my eyes sadly lowers he's head. Maybe mumbles "I'm sorry," and walks away.

Story book ending. I don't think that is what happens in real life, well maybe the second. But what do I know.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!!!!

    Procrastination is something we all struggle with :/ (I read this post shortly after you published it, but I've only just remembered to comment..)
