Saturday, November 5, 2011


I am a big texture person; I value soft things. If you ever go shopping with me you will notice, as I look through the racks of clothing, that I run my fingers over all the different fabrics. When I come across something that feels pleasing, it automatically becomes a candidate to join my wardrobe.

Because of my love for how things feel, I LOVE flannel sheets. They are honestly one of my favorite things. When my mom asks, "Ready to switch to flannel sheets?" I am all, "YESSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEEEEEE." It is THE BEST. I think it is one of the reasons I love fall so much... It is just so much more pleasant to sleep in a bed that has flannel sheets. You can just snuggle up against them and loose yourself in the wonderfulness that is now your bed. 

The one downfall of flannel sheets is it make it a lot harder to get out of bed in the morning. The alarm goes off and you can't help but think to yourself, Ahhh, time to get up. But I am SOOO comfortable... I don't want to get up. Okay, just 2 more minutes. And you end up waking up 15 minutes later. Darn you flannel sheets, I am going to be late... It's okay, you are worth it, I'll just get ready faster. But now I should really get up. So you wrap your self up in those deliciously soft flannel sheets for one last time before you throw them off you and crawl out of bed into the cold harsh world. (And yes, the proper word to describe them is delicious. Get over it. it, it actually makes sense. Though I would have used it even if it didn't...)

They are marvelous.

The other day I learned that my friend didn't have any flannel sheets. It made me sad, everyone should experience the joy of flannel sheets. Actually.

I also love my fleece blanket. It is big and glorious and soft and has alligators and skateboard on it. :) 

Flannel sheets are what makes people live in Minnesota. You can't have flannel sheets (or nice big fleece blankets) in Hawaii, it would be way to hot.

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