1. (Definition) Luck is a force that causes either good or bad things to happen in someones life. It's a combination of circumstances and events that together bring good or ill fortune to someone. The idea of luck is occasionally scoffed at. It goes with ideas like superstitions, not everyone is a believer. But whether or not luck exists there are some occasions that can't be described anything less than lucky.
2. (Narration) It was dust as my mom and I exited Cost World Market, and interesting store filled with unique knick knacks. I was lagging behind my mom as we walked to the car. I noticed something on the ground, flapping in the wind. My mom walked right past it but I stopped to see what it was. Two twenty dollar bills had been dropped on the ground. I picked them up and marveled at my find. Filled with glee, I skipped to the car to show of my treasure to my mom. It was my lucky day.
3. (Classification/Division) There is good luck and then there is bad luck. Good luck is finding five dollars on the ground. Bad luck is finding five dollars on the ground and then discovering that same bill was used to pick up dog poop. Everyone has moments of good luck along with moments of bad. A good quote to remember is "This to shall pass..." In the moments of good luck it keeps us humble and when you are beginning to think the day couldn't get any worse it reminds us that there are better days to come.
Do you know what movie this is from? In this movie someone definitely finds money with dog poop in it... Am I completely original? No. I steal ideas from great movies with Lindsay Lohan in them :)
4. (Description) Perfect ringlets hang from her heart shaped head. She jumps in to the taxi that was stopped right outside her door. Even though she ends up getting to work 30 minutes late she doesn't get in trouble because as it happened her boss is running behind 45 minutes. Unfortunately she forgot her co workers birthday but just happened to have the perfect gift in her desk that she was able to give instead. Nothing could stop her today.
5. (Comparison/Contrast) Luck and karma are both concepts that not everyone believes in and both have mystery behind them but they aren't exactly the same thing. Karma is the idea that if you do good things good thing will happen to you. But if you do bad thing than bad things will happen to you. With luck if you have good luck it doesn't necessarily mean you did anything good to deserve it and vice versa with bad luck. Karma is, in some ways, a more comforting idea. Because with karma you are able to have more control of what happens to you while with luck you are just stuck with whatever comes your way.
6. (Example) J.K. Rowling examines the idea of luck by creating a potion called "Felix felicis" that is introduced during the six Harry Potter book. When someone takes a sip of potion they will have good luck until the affects where off. When Harry is under the affects of the potion he knows just where to go and what to say to get what he wants. During the battle at Hogwarts Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the rest of the gang that take a sip miraculously miss all of the curses that are being targeted at them.
Well I thought I was using the color "aqua" which I was happy about since it sounds cool but I am not. This is just blue. And it turns out aqua is a really light color and I don't really want to use it anyway. But congrats you all did great at guessing, I am proud of you all (not saying I didn't think you were smart enough to get them right just that I don't know if I would get them all right...).
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
My Afternoon.
The air was crisp and fresh. I put my North Face fleece on, wrapped a scarf around my neck, pulled on my red mittens, and went out side to go for a walk. I had only walked a couple blocks when I spotted something. I couldn't tell what is was at first but when I looked closer I discovered it was a puppy. The most adorable puppy I had ever seen in my life in fact. Its drool was rainbows and its poop was sugar cubes and gumballs. It was as cute as
You got to to admit that one was funny.
All combined. And then doubled. It was the sweetest little thing. When I was arms length away, it perked up and bounded over to me giving me a big slobbery kiss. The kiss was delivered with such love I couldn't help but smile. I wanted nothing more then to take it home with me but I have been bugging my mom to get a kitten and her answer is always no without a hesitation. I wanted to savor my time with the cutie pie so I decided to have him accompany me on the rest of my walk.
We came to a street. I paused for a moment to look both ways but the puppy was too excited to wait, he ran ahead.
The puppy was no more. Oops...
Now to lighten the mood.
A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”
The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.
The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?"
Didn't work? hmmmmmm.
A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course. One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer.
His friend says: “Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man.”
The man then replies: “Yeah, well we were married 35 years.”
Which day of the week do fish hate?.......
Fry-Day Especially in Wisconsin. They LOVE their fish fries on Friday! and their beer... And if you have nooo funny bone and haven't even cracked a smile maybe this will do it :) I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like his passengers. Knock knock? Who's there? I ate mop You finish it. Laughing? I am. Now hopefully you have laughed, cried, and been joyous and angry while reading. :) (and enjoyed my interpretation of what a puppy killed by a car looks like....;)) |
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Mass Media and Mass Taste (p. 119)
My mother is what you would call overprotective. When I am watching "How I Met Your Mother" (which is SUCH a funny and great show) and they make a reference to sex or something else my mother deems to be "inappropriate" she insists that I either turn off the TV or change the channel. A request that I believe is stupid since I am almost 18 (in 5 months I will be :)) and it actually isn't inappropriate, but I guess behavior like this is why I call her overprotective.
But let's, for the sake for this blog, cut her some slack. Media has changed some of it's focus. Now there are shows such as Jersey Shore, which glorifies getting drunk and sleeping with random people. The cast goes out and parties almost every night and acts like fools promoting behavior parents wouldn't necessarily want their kids to partake in. Kids movies now have more sexual and drug references in them too. Most of the references are subtle and I feel like they are in there to help entertain the parents during the movie but they are still in there.
Now a days kids are getting involved with more inappropriate things sooner. Much of these shifts in morality and values are most likely due to the images media is portraying. If media is the cause of relaxed morals than maybe parents should monitor what their kids are watching. Because media, especially TV and movies, have wiggled its way into most peoples life and has a way of manipulating facts and images it has a major effect on peoples perception.
But the question is whether societies values evolved changing media or was it media that chanced values? If society wasn't ready for Marilyn Monroe to come out with naked photos they wouldn't have accepted her and she wouldn't have gone on to be successful. I think the values portrayed in media probably comes before societies outward acceptance of the changing value. But the media isn't portraying values that society isn't ready to accept.
Sorry I posted late. I feel asleep while reading the packet and then once I woke up I had to finish the reading and then it was dinner and then I posted. :) Sorry...
But let's, for the sake for this blog, cut her some slack. Media has changed some of it's focus. Now there are shows such as Jersey Shore, which glorifies getting drunk and sleeping with random people. The cast goes out and parties almost every night and acts like fools promoting behavior parents wouldn't necessarily want their kids to partake in. Kids movies now have more sexual and drug references in them too. Most of the references are subtle and I feel like they are in there to help entertain the parents during the movie but they are still in there.
Now a days kids are getting involved with more inappropriate things sooner. Much of these shifts in morality and values are most likely due to the images media is portraying. If media is the cause of relaxed morals than maybe parents should monitor what their kids are watching. Because media, especially TV and movies, have wiggled its way into most peoples life and has a way of manipulating facts and images it has a major effect on peoples perception.
But the question is whether societies values evolved changing media or was it media that chanced values? If society wasn't ready for Marilyn Monroe to come out with naked photos they wouldn't have accepted her and she wouldn't have gone on to be successful. I think the values portrayed in media probably comes before societies outward acceptance of the changing value. But the media isn't portraying values that society isn't ready to accept.
Sorry I posted late. I feel asleep while reading the packet and then once I woke up I had to finish the reading and then it was dinner and then I posted. :) Sorry...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I am a big texture person; I value soft things. If you ever go shopping with me you will notice, as I look through the racks of clothing, that I run my fingers over all the different fabrics. When I come across something that feels pleasing, it automatically becomes a candidate to join my wardrobe.
Because of my love for how things feel, I LOVE flannel sheets. They are honestly one of my favorite things. When my mom asks, "Ready to switch to flannel sheets?" I am all, "YESSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEEEEEE." It is THE BEST. I think it is one of the reasons I love fall so much... It is just so much more pleasant to sleep in a bed that has flannel sheets. You can just snuggle up against them and loose yourself in the wonderfulness that is now your bed.
The one downfall of flannel sheets is it make it a lot harder to get out of bed in the morning. The alarm goes off and you can't help but think to yourself, Ahhh, time to get up. But I am SOOO comfortable... I don't want to get up. Okay, just 2 more minutes. And you end up waking up 15 minutes later. Darn you flannel sheets, I am going to be late... It's okay, you are worth it, I'll just get ready faster. But now I should really get up. So you wrap your self up in those deliciously soft flannel sheets for one last time before you throw them off you and crawl out of bed into the cold harsh world. (And yes, the proper word to describe them is delicious. Get over it. Dictionary.com it, it actually makes sense. Though I would have used it even if it didn't...)
They are marvelous.
The other day I learned that my friend didn't have any flannel sheets. It made me sad, everyone should experience the joy of flannel sheets. Actually.
I also love my fleece blanket. It is big and glorious and soft and has alligators and skateboard on it. :)
Flannel sheets are what makes people live in Minnesota. You can't have flannel sheets (or nice big fleece blankets) in Hawaii, it would be way to hot.
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