When I came home from school today I REALLY wanted an apple. So I opened the fridge and looked in the fruit drawer. NO APPLES.
With dinner, I wanted to drink some milk with my frozen pizza, the necessary beverage for the meal (SO GOOD!). So I looked in the fridge. NO MILK.
About 5 minutes ago I really wanted some orange juice. Perfect drink to help analytical juices flow right? So I went to the fridge, opened it, peered up at the top shelve where the orange juice goes and. NO. FLIPPING. ORANGE. JUICE.
Leave it to my fridge to be lacking ALL the foods I have been craving today...
Guess I will have to compromise for now and be satisfied with my caramel apple sucker. But I am not sure if it is as good in promoting thoughtful analysis as orange juice... So if I don't do as well on the rhetorical analysis as I would like, lets make the fact my system was lacking in orange juice be the scapegoat... Our generation doesn't like to take responsibility for ourselves right? But yeah! At least this way I am not blaming the teacher :) I think that is our societies problem. Placing blame on the wrong people. It isn't the students fault , obviously we're perfect... It isn't the teachers fault, they work hard and try their best to teach students who don't always want to learn. It is in reality the fault of lacking orange juice. Problem solved. Blamed placed.
But I digress, not what I intended/intend this blog post be about. Going back to my original point. I want some apple, milk, and orange juice... Maybe it shouldn't be a big deal, the fact that I find this a big deal (because I do! why else would I write about it?) is probably due to the fact that I only got 2 hours of sleep last night (combination of mo pro and AP comp is... not fun... what happened to senior slacking? I am starting to think it is a myth...) and now everything seems like the end of the world.
I just hope my caramel apple sucker does the job my orange juice would have and I am able to focus and create a BOMB essay for tomorrow :)
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