What the heck? What is she doing? What happened!!!???!
I look over to a girl Spanish class waving her notebook around like an idiot. She was up out of her desk freaking out about God knows what.
Does she always have to be so dramatic? Seriously, take a chill pill.
It turns out there was some sort of bug on her notebook.
Come on! Is it really that big of a deal? It's just a little bug, I deal with them all the time when I am out in the wilderness fishing. No big deal. Grow a pair will you. Well I guess she is a girl so that saying doesn't totally work... But still! Stop screeching in my ear!!
"Are you okay?" I ask, a hint of distant in my voice.
"Sorry, there was a bug... It scared me. Lo siento."
"Yeah I could tell..." I whispered under my breath.
"What did you say?" She asked in response.
"Oh nothing," I replied, "back to Spanish?"
"Yeah of course" she said as we turned back to our work.
* * *
Remember when, I believe it was Fatima, assigned us the blog post that was supposed to be how someone else in your class viewed you? Well better late then never they always say :) I had started this a while ago and now I don't really remember what happened so I just made stuff up and made it short... But now I can say I completed the assignment!